W. Rosalind Eastmond joined Dutton Brock in 2013. Her practice is focused on insurance defence litigation in first party accident benefit claims. She has made appearances before the Licence Appeal Tribunal, Financial Service Commission of Ontario and before the Superior Court of Justice. Rosalind takes a keen interest in claims relating to coverage, priority disputes, loss transfer and misrepresentation of claims. Rosalind is Chair of Canadian Defence Lawyers, Accident Benefit Sub-committee:2023.

W. Rosalind Eastmond
- 416.593.4411 Ext:2416
- 416.593.5922
- reastmond@duttonbrock.com
Rosalind received her LLB from The University of the West Indies in 1986, attended Sir Hugh Wooding Law School and was called to the Barbados Bar in 1990. For several years, she has represented clients at all levels of Court in Barbados in Criminal defence. Her practice in Barbados also focused on civil litigation including Tort personal injuries, Family law, Estate and Succession Law. Rosalind received the Federation of Law Societies of Canada National Accreditation and was called to the Ontario Bar in 2012. Before joining Dutton Brock, Rosalind practiced at a boutique Personal Injury firm where she gained experience in Plaintiff accident benefits claims, Tort vehicular negligence and Occupiers Liability personal injury claims.
Dutton Brock Newsletter, Winter, 2016 Issue 59: “Control and Authority Fails Deemed Insured Analysis”
Dutton Brock Newsletter, Spring, 2016, Issue 56: “Who’s On First, What’s on Second”
Dutton Brock Seminar: “Lawyers Behaving Badly”, 2015, 2016
Rosalind is a member of:
- The Law Society of Ontario
- The Canadian Bar Association
- The Advocates’ Society
- The Canadian Defence Lawyer’s Association
- DRI – an organization of American Defence Lawyers
- The Medico-Legal Society
Hearing Decisions
Hussain v Intact Insurance Company, 2023 CanLII 81821 (ON LAT)
Pihokker v The Personal, 2022 CanLII 20123 (ON LAT)
Arts v Certas Home and Auto Ins. Co., 2022 CanLII 23402 (ON LAT)
Perri v Certas ON LAT (20-001998)
R.N. Certas Direct Insurance Company, 2020, ONLAT 19-010862
O.S. v. Certas Home & Auto Insurance, 2020 CanLII 42665 (ON LAT)
KP v. The Personal, 2019 CanLII 34616 (ON LAT)
18-001153 V Certas, 2019 CanLII 18336 (ON LAT),
18-001111 v. Certas, 2019 CanLII 34626 (ON LAT)
19- 002654 v Gore Mutual Insurance – Motion to exclude witnesses, (unreported)
M. N.K.A and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, Licence Appeal Tribunal, No: 16-001592, January 24, 2017
Intact Insurance Company and AIG Insurance, Priority Dispute, Private Arbitration, October 2, 2016
FSCO Dismissal Decisions
Richards and Certas Direct Insurance Company, FSCO A16-000881, April 17, 2017
Kanagarajah and Belair FSCO A15-005306, November 21, 2016
Zali, N and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, FSCO A13-013767, February 9, 2016
Miresmaeili and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, FSCO A13-013769, February 9, 2016
Zali, M and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, FSCO A13-013768, February 9, 2016
Ghaghchi and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, FSCO A13-013766, February 9, 2016
Yang and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, FSCO A13-013139, November 23, 2
Rosalind enjoys cricket and participates in Caribbean cultural and diaspora events.
- 416.593.4411 Ext:2329
- tthomas@duttonbrock.com